Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fandom - What does it mean? The Let's Go Tigers Edition.

I am a fan. A believer.  A homer. Where I come from, my team can always win.  Michigan Hockey and Football.  The Detroit  Tigers. The Detroit Red Wings.  The US Women's National Soccer Team.  The players on my team are "the good guys" or "the good girls".  And in most cases, they can do no wrong.  And if you aren't on the same page, you are not a fan.  You are a tag along. A Johnny-come-lately.  A fair weather friend.

As the Detroit Tigers enter the post-season, all you Doubting Thomas-types, keep it to yourselves.

Let's go Tigers!  Let's rock October. And if you don't believe we can do it, stay home. And keep quiet. The rest of us will be cheering our hearts out.

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