Thursday, July 24, 2008

Late July without posting

I have been delinquent in posting over the last few weeks but my time has been primarily taken up with CAP 103, the Introduction to Professional Cooking class at Schoolcraft College compressed from the standard 7 weeks into 3 weeks for the summer term. I am in love with cooking (if not with making Hollandaise Sauce). I've been up to my elbows in chicken feet while making stock and yet I'm happy and busy and it's all good while I'm in the kitchen. Have I found my niche?

So while I've been so busy, my perennial dining companion and I have been on something of a hiatus from restaurants with a few exceptions. The Wednesday night visit for cold beer and inexpensive (but oh so tasty) snacks at The Rusty Nail in Canton. We also made a visit to Compari's in Plymouth (The Italian food is good, but trust me on this and go sit in the bar, have yourself a beer or a glass of vino, and order a pizza). Either the Compari Special or the Napolitana, depending on your mood. Watch baseball or what have you and sip your beverage and the pizza will come out great. The Compari Salad is worthwhile if you need a starter. Or the Italian sausage - It's not out of the box. Someone put some time into it and it should be appreciated.

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